Symposiums bring together different leaders of our society, educators, district leaders, parents, and more to discuss topics that impact our future generations. Presented as workshops with open discussions and reflections, Symposium topics can be tailored to address the needs of your audience.

  • Society’s leaders, parents, educators seeking to understand their impact on future generations

  • Workshops led by a SPEAKHIRE to instill deeper reflection and empathy building and explore how society’s interconnectedness impacts achievement

Symposiums Designed For Your Audience

Topics include but are not limited to:

Educator/Staff Professional Development

  • Student Positive Identity Development

  • Building School to Career Connections

  • Holding Empathy At the Core

  • Personal Growth - Checking Implicit Bias

  • Instilling Leadership in Children

  • Supporting Students Facing Cultural Barriers

  • Teaching Employability Skills

  • Mapping Your Impact

  • Effective Teams Series includes:

    • Taking Initiative and Communicating Effectively 

    • Vision and Goal Setting

    • Using Collaborative Tools

    • Building Unity and a Shared Vision

Family and Community Building

  • How Your Child Can Connect School To Career

  • Instilling Leadership In Your Children

  • Developing Your Child’s Voice and Agency

  • Focusing on Personal Growth and Helping Them Create Their Narrative

  • Understanding The Role Of Gender In Pursuing Career Opportunities and How We Can Be Ensure Gender Equity

  • What Are Ivy League Colleges and Competitive Employers Looking For?

  • How Children Can Balance and Include Their Multicultural Backgrounds

  • Teaching Your Children Skills Employers Value

  • How Your Children Can Use AI As A Tool To Skill Up

“Thank you for this incredibly meaningful PD. This was very valuable.”

-NYC Educator

"It’s so important to find points in the day for students to share these pieces of their identities. It’s building initial relationships in classroom communities and then taking the pieces in the diagram into account so students can share deeper pieces of their culture in the classroom. That way it can be celebrated and affirmed by educators."


“ I really love this PD. I’d like to turnkey this to my staff.”

-NYC Assistant Principal