Partnership Sponsor Levels 


Change Visionary

Provide 675 hours of career counseling


Change Leader

Provide 405 hours of career counseling


Change Trendsetter

Provide 270 hours of career counseling


Change Agent

Provide 20 hours of course work


Thank You to the Following Contributors to our Goals

This work was made possible through the support of Grantmakers for Girls of Color, a sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.

This work was made possible through the support of Grantmakers for Girls of Color, a sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors. Thank you G4GC for being a Change Visionary and beyond!


Thank you to Unleashing Potential for being a Change Leader and beyond!


Thank you to Rockefeller Advisors for being a Change Leader!

Comic relief.png

Thank you to Comic Relief for being a Change Leader!


Thank you to L’Oreal Paris for being one of our early believers and your continued support as a Change Trendsetter!

Thank you to the NYSCC Fordham partnership for being a Change Trendsetter!

Thank you for your generous contribution as a Change Trendsetter at the key moment for us to host our 2021 SPEAKHIRE Summit & Soiree!

Thank you to L’Oreal Paris for being one of our early believers and your continued support as a Change Trendsetter!


Thank you for being a Change Agent.

Thank you for being a Change Agent!


Thank you for being a Change Agent!

Support provided by the Fund for the City of New York. Thank you for being a Change Agent.

Thank you for being a Change Agent.

Thank you for being a Change Agent!

Other Ways to Support


Join Our Team

We are always looking for committed team members to assist us in accomplishing our goals.

Company Matching

Get your corporation to match your donations. Set up SPEAKHIRE with your company matching program.

Become a Champion

We know you’re busy but also have a lot to give. That is why we made career counseling convenient and flexible.


Want to lend a helping hand? We have many opportunities where we could use your help.