Pathways Days

Ever ask anyone how they reached career success? Pathways Days are career days with a focus on pathways. Bring Pathways Days to your schools and help your students discover their path forward.

Partner Planning Requirements

  1. Requires 3 months to plan a Pathways Day

  2. Complete the Partner Interest Form above

  3. Identify a Date for your Pathways Date

  4. Have students complete a survey to determine their career interest

  5. Host your SPEAKHIRE Pathways Day!

"I wanted to make my own path with a suitable career that would make my mom proud. SPEAKHIRE helped me understand and learn what I wanted to do in a career, and the professionals gave wonderful insight on the process and even advice that I would use later down the line.”


Support Prepare Empower All Kind

Are you a professional looking to participate in our SPEAKHIRE Pathways Days? Visit our Champions page and get involved!