
Strengthen the Pipeline of Diverse Career Leaders


Virtual Mentoring

Through our multi-faceted approach of developing 1) peer leaders who develop 2) an in-school peer community by establishing a Chapter Club, and 3) an e-mentoring program where girls meet virtually with 3 culturally responsive professionals in careers of interest to the girls, increases student use of technology, communication skills with various audiences, familiarity of college and career culture and post-secondary pathways, access to internships, and school engagement and belonging, which has a direct impact on academic performance.


In School Peer Community

We are focused on the deeper social engagement within high school and the ability of students to work with technology and learn every day career and life skills and knowledge from multiple women professionals. This helps students better navigate transitions from high school to post-secondary pathways.

More Information


American History SPEAK Mentorship Chapter Club

The girls of American History SPEAK Mentorship Chapter Club tackle the issues of early marriages for females and how other opportunities of economic empowerment can mitigate the need for such actions.


‘18 Ambassador, Ayok

at a high school in Newark, New Jersey, presents the key takeaways from a discussion she led at her SPEAK Chapter Club around issues facing women.

 Shagufta Sheikh Scholarship